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Default Slices

  • -.slice — the root slice;
  • system.slice — the default place for all system services;
  • user.slice — the default place for all user sessions;
  • machine.slice — the default place for all virtual machines and Linux containers.

CG Baum anzeigen

# systemd-cgls
# systemd-cgtop

Slices anzeigen

# systemctl -t slice

Resource Controller

Available Controllers in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

  • blkio — sets limits on input/output access to and from block devices;
  • cpu — uses the CPU scheduler to provide cgroup tasks an access to the CPU. It is mounted together with the cpuacct controller on the same mount;
  • cpuacct — creates automatic reports on CPU resources used by tasks in a cgroup. It is mounted together with the cpu controller on the same mount;
  • cpuset — assigns individual CPUs (on a multicore system) and memory nodes to tasks in a cgroup;
  • devices — allows or denies access to devices for tasks in a cgroup;
  • freezer — suspends or resumes tasks in a cgroup;
  • memory — sets limits on memory use by tasks in a cgroup, and generates automatic reports on memory resources used by those tasks;
  • net_cls — tags network packets with a class identifier (classid) that allows the Linux traffic controller (the tc command) to identify packets originating from a particular cgroup task;
  • perf_event — enables monitoring cgroups with the perf tool;
  • hugetlb — allows to use virtual memory pages of large sizes, and to enforce resource limits on these pages.

Unit Parameter aendern

# systemctl set-property <unit-name> <parameter>=<value>
# systemctl set-property httpd.service CPUShares=600 MemoryLimit=500M
# systemctl set-property --runtime httpd.service CPUShares=600 MemoryLimit=500M # temporary change 

Änderungen an schon bestehenden Units werden persistent!

Unit Parameter

Parameter DefaultBeschreibung
CPUAccounting=true CPUAccounting anschalten
CPUWeight=value 100 CPU Belegung
MemoryAccounting=true Speicherverbrauch ueberwachung anschalten
MemoryLimit=value Speicherverbrauch (K,M,G,T)
BlockIOAccounting=true BlockIO Accounting anschalten
BlockIOWeight=value 100 generische IO Prio (100 < Wert < 1000)
BlockIODeviceWeight=device_name value 100 IO Prio fuer Geraet
BlockIOReadBandwidth=device_name value Lese-Bandbreite pro Sekunde (K,M,G,T)
BlockIOWriteBandwidth=device_name value Schreib-Bandbreite pro Sekunde (K,M,G,T)
DeviceAllow=device_name options Zugriff (r,w,m) auf Geraete-Dateien
DevicePolicy=value Zugriffs-Policy fuer Geraete-Dateien (strict, closed, auto)
Slice=slice_name Unit einem Slice zuordnen
ControlGroupAttribute=attribute value Low-Level Control-Group Parameter setzen

*Weight*: default=100. [10-10000]. 100 ist „die Mitte“

admin_grundlagen/systemd-resourcenkontrolle.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/05/25 07:26 von sh