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lpi2:start [2019/01/18 17:37]
lpi2:start [2024/11/08 04:49] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-== TODO == 
-  * Seiten aus Schulung [[netzwerkdienste]] hier einarbeiten 
-  * Syntax-Regeln der verschiedenen Config-Dateien genauer erklären. 
 ====== Exam 201 ====== ====== Exam 201 ======
 ===== Topic 200: Capacity Planning ===== ===== Topic 200: Capacity Planning =====
Zeile 45: Zeile 41:
   * [[sysstat]]   * [[sysstat]]
   * [[netstat|netstat / ss]]   * [[netstat|netstat / ss]]
 +  * [[iotop]] 
 +  * [[iptraf]]
 ==== 200.2 Predict Future Resource Needs (weight: 2) ==== ==== 200.2 Predict Future Resource Needs (weight: 2) ====
Zeile 237: Zeile 234:
   * [[initrd]]   * [[initrd]]
   * [[lpi1:​bootloader]]   * [[lpi1:​bootloader]]
-  * [[systemd-mount-options]]+  * [[Kernel Cmdline Parameters]]
   * [[efibootmgr]]   * [[efibootmgr]]
   * [[UEFI shell]]   * [[UEFI shell]]
Zeile 294: Zeile 291:
   * [[mount und fstab]]   * [[mount und fstab]]
 +  * [[admin_grundlagen:​swap]]
 ==== 203.2 Maintaining a Linux filesystem (weight: 3) ==== ==== 203.2 Maintaining a Linux filesystem (weight: 3) ====
Zeile 319: Zeile 317:
   * [[ext]]   * [[ext]]
   * [[lpi1:​debugfs]]   * [[lpi1:​debugfs]]
 +  * [[dumpe2fs]]
   * [[smart]]   * [[smart]]
-  * [[btrfs]] [[admin_grundlagen:​btrfs]]+  * [[btrfs]]
 ==== 203.3 Creating and configuring filesystem options (weight: 2) ==== ==== 203.3 Creating and configuring filesystem options (weight: 2) ====
Zeile 400: Zeile 399:
   * [[nvme]]   * [[nvme]]
   * [[WP>​WWID]]   * [[WP>​WWID]]
 +  * [[storage-kernel-options]]
 ==== 204.3 Logical Volume Manager (weight: 3) ==== ==== 204.3 Logical Volume Manager (weight: 3) ====
Zeile 449: Zeile 449:
   * [[three-subnets]]   * [[three-subnets]]
   * [[wlan]]   * [[wlan]]
 +  * [[routing]]
 ==== 205.2 Advanced Network Configuration (weight: 4) ==== ==== 205.2 Advanced Network Configuration (weight: 4) ====
Zeile 477: Zeile 478:
 ==Beispiele== ==Beispiele==
   * [[tcpdump]]   * [[tcpdump]]
 +  * [[netstat|netstat / ss]]
 ==== 205.3 Troubleshooting network issues (weight: 4) ==== ==== 205.3 Troubleshooting network issues (weight: 4) ====
Zeile 557: Zeile 560:
 ==Key Knowledge Areas== ==Key Knowledge Areas==
-  * Knowledge about directories that have to be include ​in backups+  * Knowledge about directories that have to be included ​in backups
   * Awareness of network backup solutions such as Amanda, Bacula, Bareos and BackupPC   * Awareness of network backup solutions such as Amanda, Bacula, Bareos and BackupPC
   * Knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks of tapes, CDR, disk or other backup media   * Knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks of tapes, CDR, disk or other backup media
Zeile 648: Zeile 651:
 ==Beispiele== ==Beispiele==
 +  * [[wpde>​Zonendatei]]
   * [[bind|Nameserver bind]]   * [[bind|Nameserver bind]]
Zeile 706: Zeile 710:
 ==Beispiele== ==Beispiele==
   * [[apache]]   * [[apache]]
-  * [[apache_module|Apache Module]] 
-  * [[lpi2:​apache-virtual-hosts]] 
   * [[apache_zugriffskontrolle|Apache Zugriffskontrolle]]   * [[apache_zugriffskontrolle|Apache Zugriffskontrolle]]
 +  * [[mod_access_compat]]
 +  * [[Apache Aufbau Konfigurationsdatei]]
 +  * [[apache-virtual-hosts]]
 +  * [[apache-redirect]]
 +  * [[apache_module|Apache Module]]
 +  * [[apache-php]]
   * https://​​Apache/​Hardening   * https://​​Apache/​Hardening
Zeile 738: Zeile 746:
   * [[lpi2:​ssl]]   * [[lpi2:​ssl]]
   * [[lpi2:​apache-ssl]]   * [[lpi2:​apache-ssl]]
 +  * [[lpi2:​dehydrated]]
 ==== 208.3 Implementing Squid as a caching proxy (weight: 2) ==== ==== 208.3 Implementing Squid as a caching proxy (weight: 2) ====
Zeile 789: Zeile 798:
   * Mounting CIFS shares on Linux   * Mounting CIFS shares on Linux
   * Mapping Windows user names to Linux user names   * Mapping Windows user names to Linux user names
-  * User-Level and Share-Level security and AD scurity ​+  * User-Level and Share-Level security and AD security ​
 ==The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities== ==The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities==
Zeile 804: Zeile 813:
 ==Beispiele== ==Beispiele==
   * [[samba]]   * [[samba]]
 +  * [[samba-permissions]]
   * [[samba-pdc]]   * [[samba-pdc]]
   * [[admin_grundlagen:​samba-cups]]   * [[admin_grundlagen:​samba-cups]]
-  * [[fortgeschrittene:​samba-ad]] +  * [[samba-ad]] 
-  * [[fortgeschrittene:​samba-ad-member]]+  * [[samba-ad-member]] 
 +  * [[samba-ad-member-server]]
 ==== 209.2 NFS Server Configuration (weight: 3) ==== ==== 209.2 NFS Server Configuration (weight: 3) ====
Zeile 904: Zeile 915:
   * ldapdelete ​   * ldapdelete ​
 +  * [[ldap-client]]
 ==== 210.4 Configuring an OpenLDAP server (weight: 4) ==== ==== 210.4 Configuring an OpenLDAP server (weight: 4) ====
Zeile 934: Zeile 945:
   * [[ldap | OpenLDAP Grundinstallation]]   * [[ldap | OpenLDAP Grundinstallation]]
   * [[ldap-config]]   * [[ldap-config]]
-  * [[fortgeschrittene::​ldap-user | Linux mit LDAP als Benutzerdatenbank]]+  * [[ldap-user | OpenLDAP ​als Benutzerdatenbank ​für Linux]]
   * [[nss-ldap]]   * [[nss-ldap]]
   * [[pam-ldap]]   * [[pam-ldap]]
 +  * [[ldap-ssl]]
   * [[sssd-ldap]]   * [[sssd-ldap]]
 +  * [[sssd-ldap2]]
 ===== Topic 211: E-Mail Services ===== ===== Topic 211: E-Mail Services =====
Zeile 964: Zeile 977:
   * [[lpi1:​mail]]   * [[lpi1:​mail]]
   * [[postfix]]   * [[postfix]]
 +  * Todo: einfaches Beispiel für das die Änderung der nötig ist (z.B. Submission Port 587 )
   * [[postfix-faq]]   * [[postfix-faq]]
   * [[postfix-dns]]   * [[postfix-dns]]
   * [[postfix-virtual-domains]]   * [[postfix-virtual-domains]]
 +  * [[postfix-tls]]
 ==== 211.2 Managing Local E-Mail Delivery (weight: 2) ==== ==== 211.2 Managing Local E-Mail Delivery (weight: 2) ====
Zeile 1005: Zeile 1020:
 ==Beispiele== ==Beispiele==
-  * [[​ConfigFile|Syntax der Dovecot ​Konfigurationsdatei]]+  ​* [[dovecot]] 
 +  ​* [[​configuration_manual/​config_file/​|Dovecot ​Config File Syntax]]
   * [[dovecot-imapd]]   * [[dovecot-imapd]]
 +  * [[dovecot-ssl]]
   * [[dovecot-virtual-domains]]   * [[dovecot-virtual-domains]]
   * [[postfix-dovecot-imapd]]   * [[postfix-dovecot-imapd]]
Zeile 1075: Zeile 1092:
 ==Beispiele== ==Beispiele==
-  * [[ssh]]+  * [[lpi1:ssh]]
 ==== 212.4 Security tasks (weight: 3) ==== ==== 212.4 Security tasks (weight: 3) ====
Zeile 1117: Zeile 1134:
   * [[openvpn]]   * [[openvpn]]
 +====== TODO ======
 +  * Seiten aus Schulung [[netzwerkdienste]] hier einarbeiten
 +  * Syntax-Regeln der verschiedenen Config-Dateien genauer erklären.
 +  * /​proc/​pressure einarbeiten
-==== Future Change Considerations ==== 
-Future changes to the objective will/may include: 
-    *Extend the amount of NetworkManager covered, i.e. including the CLI 
-    *lighttpd would have been too much coverage of web services. Perhaps reduce Apache next revision to make room. 
-    *host level IDS (tripwire, AIDE, etc) to be covered in future LPIC-1. 
-    *introduction (or more) to FreeIPA 
-    *add coverage of mod_security and mod_evasive to Apache HTTP (maybe as a separate topic: Web Application Firewall) 
-    *add coverage of a higher-level firewall package like firewalld or ufw 
-    *Reconsider mod_perl 
-    *Add firewall-cmd and /​etc/​firewalld/​firewalld.conf related to firewalld to LPIC-2 
-    *Awareness of firewalld 
-    *Add nmcli and nmtui to LPIC-2 
-    *Full coverage of IPv6 auto configuration 
-    *Remove djbdns 
-    *Advanced shell scripting (sed -e, set -x, set -o, pipefail, PIPESTATUS, declare) 
-    *Filesystem quota (similar to the topic removed from LPIC-1) 
-    *Understanding of consistency in backups, e.g. for databases 
-    *Let's Encrypt for certification procurement 
lpi2/start.1547833071.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/01/18 17:37 von ingo_wichmann