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lpi2:samba-ad [2022/05/19 10:27] Externe Bearbeitung
lpi2:samba-ad [2024/11/07 12:37] (aktuell)
ingo_wichmann [NTP installieren]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Samba4 ====== ====== Samba4 ======
-Siehe auch: https://​​index.php/​Samba_AD_DC_HOWTO+Siehe auch: https://​​index.php/​Setting_up_Samba_as_an_Active_Directory_Domain_Controller
 Installation mit debian 10 getestet. Installation mit debian 10 getestet.
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
 </​file>​ </​file>​
 )) ))
-  * FQDN der Form servername.domain.tld+  * FQDN der Form servername.domain.tld ​wird von ''​hostname -f''​ richtig angezeigt
   * ActiveDirectory Ports nicht von anderen Diensten belegt ((   * ActiveDirectory Ports nicht von anderen Diensten belegt ((
-  lsof -i :53 -nP +  lsof -i :53,88,135,139,389,445,464,​636,​3268,​3269,​49152,49153,49154 
-  ​135 +-> leer
-137 +
-138 +
-139 +
-22 +
-3268 +
-3269 +
-389 +
-445 +
-464 +
-49152 +
-49153 +
-49154 +
-53 +
-57800 +
-636 +
-68 +
-88 +
 )) ))
Zeile 52: Zeile 34:
   apt install samba winbind   apt install samba winbind
-(( +++++ Vorsicht mit Samba-Paketen vor Debian 12 (bookworm) |  
-Alternativ: Pakete von sernet+ 
 +Michael Tokarev <​>​ schrieb am 20.7.2023 auf der Debian LTS Mailingliste:​ 
 +//"It come to my attention that a discussion is happening about samba 
 +and LTS (and the same applies to oldstable too). 
 +The thing is: samba packages in bullseye and before, in my opinion, 
 +are hopeless. ​ I know it because I know the state of debian packaging 
 +it was.  For years (for a few debian releases), samba maintenance was 
 +more on auto-pilot. Most changes were made by applying a minimal change, 
 +not the right change. The result was.. horrible. 
 +Now, the Samba team basically re-designed whole VFS layer in 4.16, to 
 +fix a few serious issues with symlinks. ​ This is not backportable to 
 +anything, and it changes quite big portion of the codebase, so subsequent 
 +fixes even in seemingly unrelated areas don't apply anymore (not all 
 +of them ofc). 
 +Upstream stopped supporting 4.13 (bullseye) version of samba even before 
 +bullseye release iirc.  There were numerous alternative samba repositories 
 +all around the world to plug the gap between debian-provided samba and 
 +actual samba. 
 +There are numerous other security issues, compatibility issues with 
 +previous windows releases, and other stuff which basically makes samba 
 +in bullseye (already, not to mention buster!) basically unusable. 
 +Trying to fix an issue or two there will work. This particular issue 
 +with Jul-23 windows10/​11 update is trivial to fix, the same change 
 +applies (with minimal context fix) to 4.7 version of samba too. 
 +But I urge not doing this. This will bring false sense of security. 
 +People will think samba in buster or bullseye is worth to keep since 
 +it is being "​supported",​ - it is not due to other numerous issues. 
 +It is like with old crypto, - you fix a buffer overflow in some DES 
 +implementation,​ but it does not mean DES can be used in 2023. 
 +If there'​s a need for samba in buster, it can be fixed. See for 
 +example my repository at http://​​mjt/​packages/​samba/​ - 
 +it provides amd64 binaries of all current samba packages on actual 
 +Debian and Ubuntu releases, - I spent quite some time to ensure it 
 +all works fine on different environments and the original debian 
 +packages can be built on older debian releases and on various 
 +ubuntu releases. ​ This currently does not include buster, but it 
 +is kinda trivial to fix.  My repository happens to become quite 
 +popular (by the amount of downloads, amount of screaming once I 
 +turned it off for 5 minutes for a reboot, and amount of questions 
 +I received after the Jul-23 windows update), - so something like 
 +this is needed (or was, anyway, for older releases). 
 +Buster and bullseye versions of samba are not supported. ​ Please 
 +don't use band-aid on a dead horse."//​ 
 +++++ Alternativ: Pakete von sernet ​|
   wget https://​​pub/​sernet-samba-keyring_1.4_all.deb   wget https://​​pub/​sernet-samba-keyring_1.4_all.deb
   dpkg -i sernet-samba-keyring_1.4_all.deb   dpkg -i sernet-samba-keyring_1.4_all.deb
Zeile 70: Zeile 107:
   aptitude search sernet   aptitude search sernet
   apt-get install sernet-samba-ad   apt-get install sernet-samba-ad
-)) +++++
 ===== Dienste stoppen ===== ===== Dienste stoppen =====
Zeile 85: Zeile 121:
 Übersicht über ''​samba-tool''​ Unterbefehle:​ Übersicht über ''​samba-tool''​ Unterbefehle:​
   samba-tool   samba-tool
-  samba-tool domain provision --help  ​+  samba-tool domain provision --help 
 +  samba-tool domain provision --domain kurs --realm --adminpass v0gelsang,​ 
   samba-tool domain provision   samba-tool domain provision
 (( ((
Zeile 131: Zeile 169:
 ===== testen ===== ===== testen =====
-Offene Ports checken: +Offene Ports checken:(( 
-  ​lsof -a -c samba -i +^ Service ^ Port ^  Protocol ^ 
 +| DNS | 53  | tcp/udp | 
 +| Kerberos ​ | 88  | tcp/udp | 
 +| ntp | 123 | udp | 
 +| End Point Mapper (DCE/RPC Locator Service) ​ | 135  | tcp | 
 +| NetBIOS Name Service ​ | 137  | udp | 
 +| NetBIOS Datagram ​ | 138  | udp | 
 +| NetBIOS Session ​ | 139  | tcp | 
 +| LDAP  | 389  | tcp/udp | 
 +| SMB over TCP  | 445  | tcp | 
 +| Kerberos kpasswd ​ | 464  | tcp/udp | 
 +| LDAPS | 636  | tcp | 
 +| Global Catalog ​ | 3268  | tcp | 
 +| Global Catalog SSL | 3269  | tcp | 
 +| Dynamic RPC Ports | 49152-65535  | tcp  | 
 +  lsof -Pi :​53,​88,​135,​137,​138,​139,​389,​445,​464,​636,​3268,​3269
 DNS testen: DNS testen:
   dig SRV   dig SRV
 +  dig SRV
 Benutzer anzeigen: Benutzer anzeigen:
Zeile 142: Zeile 196:
 Kerberos testen: Kerberos testen:
 +  cp -b /​var/​lib/​samba/​private/​krb5.conf /​etc/​krb5.conf
 +  kinit Administrator
   kinit Administrator@KURS.LINUXHOTEL.DE   kinit Administrator@KURS.LINUXHOTEL.DE
   klist   klist
Zeile 177: Zeile 234:
   samba-tool user add heinz   samba-tool user add heinz
-===== NTP installieren ===== 
-TODO: das macht man heute mit chrony 
-siehe https://​​index.php/​Time_Synchronisation 
-  apt-get install ntp 
-  cd /​var/​lib/​samba/​ 
-  chgrp ntp ntp_signd/ 
-''/​etc/​ntp.conf''​ : 
-# By default, exchange time with everybody, but don't allow configuration. 
-restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery mssntp 
-restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery mssntp 
-ntpsigndsocket ​ /​var/​lib/​samba/​ntp_signd/​ 
-  service ntp restart 
-  watch ntpq -np 
 ===== Beitreten der Domäne mit Windows 7 ===== ===== Beitreten der Domäne mit Windows 7 =====
Zeile 206: Zeile 247:
 ===== Kerberos ===== ===== Kerberos =====
-  cat /​var/​lib/​samba/​private/​krb5.conf 
-  ln -s /​var/​lib/​samba/​private/​krb5.conf /​etc/​krb5.conf 
-  apt-get install krb5-user 
   kinit Administrator   kinit Administrator
   kdestroy   kdestroy
lpi2/samba-ad.1652956042.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/05/19 10:27 von