====== Uhrzeit ====== Aus der SuSE SLES 15 Doku: "KVM provides a paravirtualized clock which is supported via the kvm_clock driver. It is strongly recommended to use kvm_clock." ... "When using kvm-clock, it is recommended to use NTP in the VM Guest, as well. Using NTP on the VM Host Server is also recommended." ((https://documentation.suse.com/sles/15-SP1/html/SLES-all/sec-kvm-managing-clock.html)) * [[Uhrzeit]] * [[Chrony]] ((https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/virtual/kvm/timekeeping.txt)) ====== machine-id ====== [[lpi1:virtualization-guest]] ====== SSH host keys ====== [[lpi1:virtualization-guest]]